Пожалуй, вторая по популярности и наиболее безжалостная песня Микки Мак Конелла - Peter Pan and me (Питер Пен и я) Северная Ирландия и несколько поколений ИРА глазами юноши шестидесятых-начала семидесятых, которому пришлось повзрослеть. Эту песню можно услышать в нашем исполнении на концертах Slua Sí https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptZAanUk66o Peter Pan and Me We knew we faced the power that comes from money When we marched against the Empire’s mighty schemes They were armed with special powers and legislation While we were armed with youth and foolish dreams But it seemed so right in Derry all that summer When we took them on and built our barricades We were an army dressed in faded jeans and sandals Too young and full of pride to feel afraid And we believed in things like justice, truth and freedom And we believed we had a right to liberty And we believed that we could build a new tomorrow That’s how it seemed to Peter Pan and Me. But we soon learned the truth of street rebellion As that city crumbled ‘round us, stone by stone, Betrayed by those who promised they would help us Against tanks and troops and guns we stood alone, For revolution is no game for foolish dreamers For dreamers never know the price that must be paid And before long we learned all power comes from a rifle And we learned to bleed and die and be afraid And soon no one cared for justice truth and freedom And soon no one gave one damn for liberty For all we hoped was that we might go on surviving. We grew up fast young Peter Pan and Me. Then the Empire dealt us death and fear and prison There’s no mercy from that military machine So our street kids swopped their faded jeans and sandals For hoods and guns with loaded magazines And the years have wrought their cruel retribution And our brothers and our sisters bear the pain As each side tries for its military solution And the politicians play their murderous games And among the dead lie justice, truth and freedom And among the dead lie hope and liberty So if you care enough to mourn brave new tomorrows Pull up a chair, join Peter Pan and Me.